Sunday, October 27, 2013


Josh got sick on a Friday (at the father/son campout).  He was fine by the next morning.  And I hoped that would be the end of it.  I should know by now that we never get off that easily with sickness.

Scott birthday was that Sunday, two days after Josh had been sick.  The day went great, we did presents, I made Scott dinner, and then we got ready for cake and ice cream.  As I was dishing up everyone's cake, I said to Scott, "I don't feel so well".  I skipped eating cake and ice cream with everyone, and within an hour, I was throwing up.  That was around 6 Sunday evening.

At 10 Sunday night, Kate started throwing up.  I had gone to bed (I was really sick and kept throwing up), so Scott had to clean up Kate.  I decided to get up and take a bowl to each kid in their bed.  With me and Kate throwing up, I was worried that we'd have more by morning.  It's a really good thing I thought to do that.

At 11 Sara started throwing up.  Savannah started at midnight.  Monday morning came, and we decided to keep everyone home from school, just in case.  At 8 Monday morning, Scott got sick.   And at 8:30 Nate came down sick.  He's the only one that didn't make it in his bowl, and instead got it in his bed. 

By then my stomach was empty, and while I still didn't feel well, I wasn't throwing up anymore, so I got to take care of everyone while Scott and Savannah spent the day in bed.


Thankfully, Nate's was short lived, and he was up running around with Owen in no time.

Aaron seemed like he was going to escape getting sick, and enjoyed his day off of school.  But, at 3 when I was getting him ready to go to therapy, he asked for a bowl and threw up.  So, he didn't make it to therapy.  And it brought our total up to 7 people throwing up within a 24 hour period.  Owen is our only one who never got sick.  That kid is pretty tough. 

I wrote this on Facebook after everything calmed down:  "Things are starting to look up around here. So thankful for tender mercies. Thankful that this bug only lasted about 8 hours for each of us. Thankful I thought to send each kid to bed with a bowl (we got away with only one bed being thrown up in, and no throw up on the carpet). Thankful for a sweet friend who dropped off dinner on our front porch. And I'm even thankful we all got it at once. It's much better to get it over with, than dragging it out for a week! (In case you were keeping track of how many sickies we had here--Josh started it Friday night at his Father/Son campout and had to come home at midnight, I got it yesterday at 6 pm, Kate was next at 10 pm, then Sara at 11 pm, Savannah at midnight, Scott at 8 this morning, Nate at 8:30 this morning, and Aaron got it at 3:30 this afternoon. I don't think I've ever seen so much puke in a 24 hour period! Owen is our only holdout. He's pretty much a ticking time bomb, because I don't think there is any chance he won't get this.)"

Seriously, the enormity of it all, with everyone so sick at once, was surreal, but we survived it and now it's all just a distant memory.  But it's not something I hope to repeat any time soon.  

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