Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 5

We woke up early and got everything packed up and checked out of the cabin. We said goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa--they needed to get home for a doctor's appointment. We then parked downtown West Yellowstone and did some souvenir shopping. Savannah and Josh picked out t-shirts, Sara picked out a pink necklace and bracelet, Aaron picked out little plastic dinosaurs for him and Nate, and Nate got something a little extra (a furry teddy bear) because it was his birthday. That's right--our little Nathan turned two on that day.

After getting our souvenirs, we started the drive back to Aberdeen--but took plenty of stops along the way to fill the day with fun. Our first stop was just outside of Island Park at the Johnny Sack cabin at Big Springs. The kids loved looking off the bridge at all the fish. And we were lucky enough to spot a muskrat.

Then we took the little walk up to the cabin on the other side of the springs. Nate kept stopping to throw rocks in the river. In case you can't make out the words on Nate's shirt--it says "Warning: I am Two"!

Our next stop on our drive was at Bear World just outside of Rexburg. Since we didn't see any bears in Yellowstone, we decided this would have to do. It turned out to be a great stop. First we drove through the fenced off area where there are bears just roaming (you have to keep your windows rolled up and your vehicle moving). The kids were fascinated. Then we left the fenced area, parked, and had fun with the rest that Bear World had to offer.

The kids loved watching the baby bear cubs play.

Standing on the bridge getting a glimpse of Stiltz the Moose (and some fish and ducks).

Then it was into the petting zoo. Nate and Aaron were pretty nervous about actually petting the animals. They had all kinds of animals--deer, pigs, chickens, goats, etc.

Then came the kids' favorite part of Bear World--the rides. They had 5 little carnival rides and the kids spent the next three hours riding them over and over and over.

They did take a little break from the rides to enjoy snow cones.

Finally, when the kids (and parents) were exhausted, we loaded back in the suburban and finished the drive to Aberdeen.

Once we got to Grandma's house, we had brownies to celebrate Nate's birthday. He loved getting to blow the candles.

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