Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school. Savannah is in the 3rd grade, Josh is in the 2nd grade, and our little Sara started Kindergarten. They were all three so excited about getting up and going to school. We picked out clothes last night so they would look just perfect today. We also had father's blessings last night (a tradition the night before school). Nate was so cute--when the older kids were done, he went over and climbed up and said "Nate's turn". So he even got a turn getting a blessing.

All three wanted to ride the bus, so Nate and Aaron and I took them to the bus stop this morning.

At noon the boys and I (and Grandma and Grandpa Sorensen) went to pick up Sara from her half day of Kindergarten. She had a great first day and was full of excitement.

Part of getting ready to go back to school was a cute haircut for Sara. I took her and Savannah last week to get their hair cut. Savannah just got 2 inches trimmed off, but Sara got 8 inches chopped off. I love her new short hair--she looks so adorable.

After we had lunch, Grandma and Grandpa took Sara shopping to pick out her birthday present (her birthday is in a week and a half). I have lots of catching up to do, so I'll explain why my parents were here in my next post. They stayed till after Josh and Savannah got home from school to find out how their days had gone, before they headed back to Aberdeen. Josh and Savannah had great first days also and both were so excited to tell me how everything had gone.

I can't believe this summer has already come to an end and it's time for school to start. It is going to be very quiet with just the two little boys at home with me. I think Aaron is glad that Sara's only gone for half the day--he's a bit lost without her.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lucky Peak Reservoir

On Friday Scott took off work a little early and we all headed up for some sun and sand at Lucky Peak Reservoir. The kids love this place, and I always think to myself that we really ought to make it up there more than just once a year. We picked up some pizza on our way there and had dinner and played for several hours. The kids loved it.

The first thing Nate did was walk out into the water and trip face first into the water. He was not happy.

He figured out after that to stay in really shallow water. He had so much fun splashing in the water and playing in the sand.

Aaron loved pretending to swim and dive. He would run from the beach out into the water and yell "CANNON BALL!" and then jump up and sit down in the water. He'd also "swim" in the shallow water by sticking his legs out behind him and walking on his hands. He's really into posing for pictures these days. I'd tell him to smile and he would instantly strike a pose.

The older three kids loved that they had permission to go pretty much anywhere. The water is such a gradual incline, that it never gets too deep too fast (plus they all know how to swim). They loved exploring all over in the water.

Towards the end, Sara found a frog and all the kids were so excited about it (and then so upset when we told them we couldn't take it home with us).

I hate that the summer is already to coming to an end--it really has just flown by. I'm not ready for the days to start getting shorter and the warm weather to come to an end. It was wonderful to get out and enjoy one more big summer outing.