Friday, April 30, 2010

I Guess it's Time

Our children have been told.

Our parents have been told.

I guess it's time to tell everyone else.

Due date is November 15. We had an ultrasound 5 weeks ago, and the baby looks great. I'm sick all the time. I can't get enough sleep to shake this exhausted feeling. I've had to give up long distance running. Most days I wonder why on earth I decided to do this again. But, in just over 6 months, we are going to have a tiny little baby to love, and our family will finally be complete. It will all be worth it in the end.


Jenni said...

Oh I am so excited for you....and feel for you at the same time. I HATE being's horrible. But the end result is wonderful! :) And to have your hubby traveling....I don't know how you do it! Best of luck and wish you were closer so I could help you out....because I would so be there cleaning and doing laundry and making you dinner....because I know all to well how awful it is! HUGS!!!!

Alli said...

Congratulations!!! Can I come help sometime? I would absolutely love too. And it's not cold and flu season so it should work out this time :-).