From Mike Jones: "Can I get mushy for a second and tell you all what a great friend and dancer Scott is? OK... maybe not a great dancer, but he is a great friend and I'm proud to have him in my extended family. Back when we were all living in Provo, he and Karen made a standing babysitting appointment to watch our colicky baby once a week so that Shauna and I could have a weekly date night. More recently, Scott put out feelers when I was looking for a new job and put me in touch with some quality people. And the Howell Family was a big help to us in our most recent move. We're so glad to be living nearby now so that we can all hang out more.

Happy Birthday, Scott! #Ripsticks4Evah"
From Juston Hall: "Scott Howell is one of the the most genuine guys that I've ever met in my life. He really represents what a good guy and a loving father and a happy family offers in today's day in age. I'm so glad I came in contact to meeting him six or seven years ago in eagle I hope you have a great 40th birthday Scott. I don't have any crazy stories when we were kids but coming from the same area and knowing a lot of the same people, anybody that knows Scott, knows he's a straight up guy, great father great person and a loyal friend take care and we wish you the best on your over rhe hill birthday!"
From Juston Hall: "Scott Howell is one of the the most genuine guys that I've ever met in my life. He really represents what a good guy and a loving father and a happy family offers in today's day in age. I'm so glad I came in contact to meeting him six or seven years ago in eagle I hope you have a great 40th birthday Scott. I don't have any crazy stories when we were kids but coming from the same area and knowing a lot of the same people, anybody that knows Scott, knows he's a straight up guy, great father great person and a loyal friend take care and we wish you the best on your over rhe hill birthday!"
From me: "I wasn't looking to fall in love when I met Scott. I was almost done with my Bachelor's at BYU and was considering going on to get a masters. I had settled in to being independent and was happy. And then a Valentine's Day activity set-up led to him asking me out and a whirlwind of dating for 3 weeks. When it came time for me to head home for the summer, I figured my fun "fling" had ended. But Scott had other plans. He drove to visit me every weekend, wrote me letters twice a week, and spent hours on the phone with me the whole summer. When it came time for me to head back down to college in the Fall, I knew that this was way more than a fling. We ran into a friend the first night I was back, and I introduced Scott as my boyfriend. It just felt wrong. Boyfriend didn't feel like a strong enough term to describe who we was to me. Before that week was out, he became my fiance and we started planning our life together. We have been married for almost 18 years now, and we aren't at all the same people we were back then. I like to think we are stronger. I know I have been changed for the better because I have had Scott by my side."
From Shari Wheeler: "I am so honored to be able to share some pictures and stories about Scott. In Special Olympics we call him "Coach Scott". Scott is always up for a crazy good time and is always a good sport. When we went to Moscow last year for our state games we thought it would be funny to have the team all run through the door and then lock Scott out. (hehe!! First picture) The athletes laughed and laughed. I was trying to find the video of you rocking the chicken dance at closing ceremonies. Lucky for you I couldn't find it! LOL! Scott, you have selflessly given your time and been a positive role model for so many on our team. You have shared your beautiful family with us as well and we are all so excited you guys are part of "the family". Happy 40th Birthday Coach Scott!! We love you!"
From me: "This life that we live is such a blessed one, but it certainly isn't easy. We have 8 little people who constantly demand our attention and energy. It's hard to remember to be a couple when our role as parents is all consuming. But Scott somehow manages to do it all. I have always felt loved. Even during my most desperate and dark times, when I have felt like I didn't deserve to be loved at all, he has loved me."
From Nick Rogers: "I have had the immense pleasure of being Scott's neighbor. They say "good fences make good neighbors" but that really has nothing over on building a fence WITH your neighbor. Hard worker, fun guy to spend hard hours with. The kind of man I'm proud my daughter met and remembers as an example of kindness and friendship.
My favorite memory of Scott? It isn't funny, unless you're laughing at me I suppose. After we built the fence, Scott and Karen hydroseeded their backyard and the grass came in beautifully. I, on the other hand, rented some sort of baby-bulldozer and leveled the lot/scraped rocks/prepped the soil myself. Then I had a third of an acre of lawn delivered in tightly packed rolls of sod. And I thought I'd lay them all by myself.
Scott, bless his heart, let me spend 8 hours learning a life lesson
about biting off more than I can chew. The man had things he already
needed to take care of, and laughing over his new fence at his
ridiculous neighbor wasn't one of them. Long about eight o'clock on a
summer evening, just as the sun was getting low, I hear a voice call
over, "hey neighbor, want a hand with the last of that?"
In less than an hour, the three of us (our other neighbor also joined in) finished the last HALF of the yard (honesty compels me to admit it might have been even more than half). I have never been so thankful for a helping hand when building something.
And Scott and Karen have never failed to be true helpers when I've needed it the most. Scott is the best of men; a living testament to his faith, his family, and the people who raised and taught him.
There's really no one I'm prouder to call a friend.
Happy Birthday, Scott. Being 40 isn't so bad. I can only hope that you can realize the true depth and the meaningfulness of the impact you've had on the lives you've touched so far. Here's to the next 40 years and more. "
From President Pelton: "El Estimado Elder Howell - After 20 hours of travel with our little family of five, we arrived at the rustic Bilbao airport. This smiling face was the first welcome we had at the start of our wonderful experience in Spain. For the next three months he was my trainer. Most missionaries will tell you how important their trainers are - the same goes for Mission Presidents. Elders Howell and Ercanbrack introduced us to the mission, the missionaries, and mission life. They also took on some new duties and tasks, such as chauffers to the three little Pelton girls - complete with the audio books of Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites. The Lord had prepared him to be in that place at that time. That is a righteous pattern that Scott has continued through out his life. As Mission Presidents we were told that the measure of our success would be when the grand-children of our missionaries served missions and were married in the temple - then we would know "it worked!" I would say we are on a pretty good trajectory with Scott and Karen. Keep up the good work. Adelante con fe. Con mucho carino, Los Pelton"
From me: "It was never Scott's plan to have so many kids, but he loved me enough
to let it become his plan. He is an amazing dad, and is so good with
each of our kids. He changes diapers, helps with homework, coaches the
kids' sports teams, cooks and cleans and folds laundry, packs school
lunches into backpacks, tucks kids into bed at night, and gets up for
middle of the night baby feedings. I love watching him fulfill his role
as a father. Our 8 kids are so lucky to have him as their dad."In less than an hour, the three of us (our other neighbor also joined in) finished the last HALF of the yard (honesty compels me to admit it might have been even more than half). I have never been so thankful for a helping hand when building something.
And Scott and Karen have never failed to be true helpers when I've needed it the most. Scott is the best of men; a living testament to his faith, his family, and the people who raised and taught him.
There's really no one I'm prouder to call a friend.
Happy Birthday, Scott. Being 40 isn't so bad. I can only hope that you can realize the true depth and the meaningfulness of the impact you've had on the lives you've touched so far. Here's to the next 40 years and more. "
From President Pelton: "El Estimado Elder Howell - After 20 hours of travel with our little family of five, we arrived at the rustic Bilbao airport. This smiling face was the first welcome we had at the start of our wonderful experience in Spain. For the next three months he was my trainer. Most missionaries will tell you how important their trainers are - the same goes for Mission Presidents. Elders Howell and Ercanbrack introduced us to the mission, the missionaries, and mission life. They also took on some new duties and tasks, such as chauffers to the three little Pelton girls - complete with the audio books of Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites. The Lord had prepared him to be in that place at that time. That is a righteous pattern that Scott has continued through out his life. As Mission Presidents we were told that the measure of our success would be when the grand-children of our missionaries served missions and were married in the temple - then we would know "it worked!" I would say we are on a pretty good trajectory with Scott and Karen. Keep up the good work. Adelante con fe. Con mucho carino, Los Pelton"
From Dustin Simpson: " Scott is the epitome of fatherhood. He is a quiet Giant among men. I have had the privilege of being his family's home teacher and spending time in his home with his family. What a great example of a loving father who honors his Priesthood. Happy Birthday Scott!"
From Randy Furniss: " Although years (and years) ago I had attended high school with Scott's Dad, it was purely by chance that I became aware of this remarkable young man. I watched a TV program where Scott was volunteering to take telephone pledges for the PBS station. I was impressed with what seemed like such a sincere, professional manner he was handling the calls. Because I have always watched for people I might recruit to assist either in business or public service, I did some sleuthing work and found out who I had watched. I did further background searches and discovered what a successful and caring person I had observed. . . . and I thought, and later determined, that the young man was the son of my former classmate. As an important practice in my life, I have always lived by the rule: "When you find something or someone good, incorporate that goodness in my life." I waited several months before approaching the family, and have found a gold mine of a blessings with the "discovery." Scott demonstrated, through what I "sleuthed," and his outstanding example since then, that this person and his family should be part of my extended family. What a blessing this has turned out to be. Not only Scott, but his dear wife Karen and each of their 8 children have embedded themselves deep in my heart. The ripples started that night on PBS, have brought me in touch with other dear new friends I also consider extended family. My life is all the better for it. Scott, as you celebrate an age milestone in your life, let me thank you for being who you are, and in so being, sharing of yourself and your beautiful family. You are still young. I can only imagine the accomplishments you and your family will yet achieve. To you sir, have a happy, happy, happy birthday, and many, many, many more! The rest of us benefit from what you do and who you are. And thanks, Karen, for allowing this opportunity to share thoughts and feelings."
We spent his actual birthday pretty low key. We invited his family to come, but they were all busy. So it was just us. We had cake and ice cream and enjoyed being all together. Happy Birthday Scott!
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