We started building our table over a year ago. We got the base built, but then we got stalled out on the table top. We had the wood, but we just didn't know how to proceed without the right tools. So the wood sat in our garage for a year. Finally we found a guy with an awesome shop who was willing to help us build our table top. We spent three nights in November over there working on the table top.
I was so grateful for Brian's help in building this. There is no way we could have done it without him! We finished assembling the top just before Scott left for his big Alaska trip. Brian brought it to me the day Scott flew out for Alaska, and I spent the next month sanding the joints perfectly smooth.
Once all the sanding was done, we stalled a little bit longer, trying to decide how to finish it. Finally, we found a friend (Juston, the one who did our remodel) who was willing to spray polyurethane on it to finish it. Then after it was sprayed and dried, we were able to finally assemble it. It is so beautiful, and I worried about the top getting beat up by the kids, so we finished it off with a piece of glass on the top. We still have to build the bench to go along one side, but I finally have my table that is big enough for my family! It was worth all the hard work!
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2 years ago
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