First we have weight (29 pounds 11 ounces), just above the 99th percentile.
Next we have height (34 inches), even more above the 99th percentile.
And last we have head. He's so far above the 99th percentile, I don't even know what to call it (Scott tells me there's no such thing as over 100 percentile). That little boy has a big head.
Owen's latest thing is to climb onto furniture. He loves that he can climb up onto the couch or chair and sit "like a big kid". He practices getting up and down at least 20 times a day. And each time, he just smiles because he's so proud of himself.
Owen's other great love in life is burp rags. He LOVES them. He pulls them out of my cupboard and just lays in them. He has to have one when he sleeps. He loves them. The other night I was getting whites out of the dryer, and he couldn't resist the lure of warm burp rags. He climbed in and out of the laundry basket over and over--he couldn't get enough of the warm burp rags. It was pretty cute, even if he did make all my whites all wrinkly.
My baby is growing up too fast. He is so independent and capable. He learns new things everyday. I wish he would slow down just a little bit. He certainly keeps me on my toes. It's such a fun age, and we all are enjoying this little guy.
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