Our Thanksgiving was nice and quiet. It was just us, and we only cooked things the kids would eat, so we didn't have to listen to "But I don't like that!". We had orange rolls, plain rolls, jello with cool whip, funeral potatoes, ham (instead of turkey), stuffing, 4 cans of olives, and 3 pies (razzleberry, key lime, a chocolate cream cheese--aka better than Robert Redford pie). We spent the day playing games as a family (the kids love Boggle), eating, and just relaxing. It was very nice.
At 4:30 am Friday morning, Josh came downstairs to tell us that he'd thrown up. I went up to find dark red razzleberry pie all over the carpet. I knew if I let it wait till morning, my carpet would be stained. So, I dug out the Bissell and shampooed my upstairs carpet (the path between Josh's room and the bathroom) from 4:30 till 5:30am. Amazingly, all the other kids stayed asleep even with the lights on and the noisy Bissell. In past years I've been up at that time to do Black Friday shopping. This year, I was shampooing carpets. I think I enjoy shopping more.
That afternoon Scott decided it was warm enough to get up on the roof and put up our Christmas lights. He let the kids join him on the roof (while I nervously watched from below). Aaron was too scared to go up the ladder, so he hung out in the truck.
After putting up lights, Scott and I took Owen out shopping with us (and let Savannah babysit the other kids). We made it a short trip, but we just needed to see what deals were out there and got a few Christmas things.
Sunday morning at 6am Aaron threw up in his bed. Thankfully, it was only in his bed, so I didn't have to shampoo any carpet (I only had to gather up his bedding). That morning Scott flew out for Alaska, so I was on my own with a sick child and couldn't go to church. Sara was supposed to give a talk in Primary, so I sent her with our neighbor. Both Josh and Aaron's sicknesses were very short lived (12 hour bugs), and no one else ended up getting sick during the week.
Scott was in Alaska for a week. It was his third and final yearly trip to Alaska--making 3 1/2 weeks total this fall. In past years, the trips have been back to back. This year they were spread out. Looking back over the last two months, it just seems like he was always gone. And when he wasn't gone, he was either adjusting to being home or getting ready to leave again. He missed the last of Josh's flag football season, missed Owen's 1st birthday, and missed 24 bedtimes . This time of year is really hard on our family.
While Scott was gone, the kids and I stayed very busy. We had dance and gymnastics Monday night. Piano lessons Wednesday morning. I drove Kindergarten carpool on Monday and Wednesday. Wednesday morning while Aaron was at school, I took the two little boys to Walmart. Thursday morning was gymnastics with Owen (while Nate was at preschool), and gymnastics for Savannah after school. Thursday evening I took all 6 kids to pack meeting, where Josh was awarded his Bobcat (his very first scouting award). Friday I signed up to help in Josh's class making gingerbread houses (not realizing that Scott would be gone). I had to have all 6 kids and myself ready before school, I made frosting for the houses, dropped Nate and Owen off at my friends house, then took the other 4 kids to school. I helped in Josh's class for an hour and a half making delicious looking gingerbread houses. Then I picked up the little boys and went straight to visiting teaching. Friday night I took the kids to dinner at Burger King and let them play in the play place. Then we made a late trip to Grandma Jo's house to wish her a happy birthday. Sunday morning while Scott was flying to Alaska, his Dad had to go back in for emergency surgery. Jo has been spending her days at the hospital, and not coming home till 8 or 9 at night. So we waited till she got home at 9 to deliver homemade cards from the kids on her birthday.
Scott sent me flowers while he was gone....
Saturday morning Scott's flight arrived in Boise at 9am. I took the kids to their school's Breakfast with Santa, and Scott met us there . They had pancakes, cookie decorating, pictures with Santa, and a $1 store up in the teacher's lounge that the kids got to go shopping in. It was fun.
Saturday afternoon was spent out in the cold building a shelf in our garage for balls. I'll have to take a picture when it's all done. Owen braved the cold for a bit, then we sent him in for a nap.
Saturday night was family pizza night and then a movie.
Sunday was church (no sick kids to keep any of us home), and then tithing settlement later in the afternoon. And then after dinner we left Savannah in charge of getting everyone's jammies on while Scott and I took Owen and went to visit his dad in the hospital.
Last night we had gymnastics and dance for Savannah, Sara, Aaron, and Nate. We all went and while they were doing their gymnastics, Scott, Josh, Owen and I went next door to look at computers at Staples. Our's is old and slow and I really want a new one. But buying one at Christmas time isn't ideal (especially after just buying a new fridge). Josh had the idea that we should just ask Santa to bring it to us. I think I just might try that.
After gymnastics, we went out for ice cream since it was Monday night and we needed a FHE treat. The kids love this frozen yogurt place here in Eagle, where you pick your flavor of frozen yogurt, then load it up with all sorts of toppings. Aaron always ends up with more than he can eat, and very interesting creations. He got full, so he brought his home to finish later. Doesn't it look so appetizing?
Scott took the day off yesterday, but is back at work today. This morning while Nate was at preschool, I took Owen with me to Costco. I never thought I'd be one of those parents who looks forward to sending their child off to preschool, but I have to admit that the mornings that it's just me and Owen are really really nice. I don't get many quiet moments around here, but when it's just me and him, it's nice and quiet. Tonight is our Relief Society's Christmas dinner. I'm looking forward to getting out by myself and socializing with other women. After a week alone with these kids, I need a night out.
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