We are ready for Santa to come. If only 6 little kids would fall asleep....
Last night we went to the hospital to visit Grandpa Mike and Grandma Jo and give them their Christmas present from us. We planned to be there at the same time as Marc and Kenna, so we were finally able to meet baby Avery, and gave Marc and Kenna their Christmas present from us. This afternoon we made the drive out to Homedale to deliver presents to our Kraupp cousins. We usually have big Howell family get-togethers on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but with Scott's dad in the hospital this year, Christmas just isn't the same.
Since the usual family gatherings were off, we've tried to fill our day with other fun stuff. This morning Scott took the kids out to finish delivering neighbor gifts, while I stayed home with Owen and cleaned. After they got back, we went out to Homedale and the kids had fun playing with their cousins for a few hours. After we got home, Scott ran to his office to get a little work done (he's taken the last few days off and needed to catch up on a few things before more days off for Christmas). While he was there, the kids and I made cookies for Santa. After he got home, we had dinner--homemade pizza. Then we put on Christmas jammies and took our traditional in front of the tree pictures.

This is what our tree looks like every year. But even with all the ornaments out of Owen's reach, they aren't completely safe. Owen grabs on to the bottom branches and shakes the tree till a few ornaments fall to the ground. Then he grabs them and runs away with them as fast as he can.

A bedtime story for all the kids.

The kids are having a sleep-over tonight in the bonus room. It's become our Christmas Eve tradition. We drag all the mattresses off their beds and pile them on the floor for them to sleep on. It's really fun for them to be all together, but with that much combined energy, they don't easily fall asleep. It's almost 11 and they are still going strong. Hopefully they'll fall asleep soon because he have an extremely big day tomorrow. I can't wait to tell all about our Christmas tomorrow!

Merry Christmas everyone!