We are at the end of day 5 out of 7 of this Alaska trip, and we seem to be surviving pretty well. After this trip we have one more trip the last week of November, and then we get to keep Scott around for a while. I'll be really glad when all of this Alaska travel is done. It really makes me nervous when he travels to such a snowy place this late in the year. Scott assures me that all of it is very safe (the planes, buses, etc.), but I still sigh a huge breath of relief every time I see him walk in the door after one of these trips.
We've been keeping really busy while Scott's been gone. He flew out early Wednesday morning. That morning the girls had piano lessons before school, then I took the four older kids to school. That was Owen's birthday, and he had his one year check at the doctor's office. He was 90th percentile weight, 93rd percentile height, and still well off the charts for head size. The poor thing had to get lots of shots, and he really was not happy about it. After the doctor's appointment, we had just a little bit of time before it was time to go back to the school at noon, because it was my turn for kindergarten carpool. Then later that day after school the four older kids had a primary activity to practice for the primary program that was today.
Thursday I took the kids to school, then took Nate to preschool, then took Owen to gymnastics. Then it was home from gymnastics, get Nate from preschool, and have Aaron come home from Kindergarten. After school I picked the older three up from school and took Savannah to gymnastics. While she was in gymnastics, I took the other 5 kids over to Target to let Aaron pick out a present for a birthday party he was invited to. Then we picked Savannah back up and headed home for dinner.
Friday was another busy morning. I got up early enough to have everyone ready to go when it was time for school. I dropped the older 4 off at school, then kept the little boys in the car while I ran some errands (returned some books to the library and got gas in the suburban). I just needed to waste a little bit of time before going back to the school for Josh's 3rd grade music program (didn't really have enough time to go home and unload everyone, then load everyone back up and go back, so I just ran errands). It was Veteran's Day, so they sang patriotic songs. Josh did great. He wore his scout uniform and got to help carry the flag (which made him so proud). Nate and Owen didn't behave as great as I would have liked them to, but we survived. After the program, the two little boys and I continued on to Walmart and did grocery shopping (we were down to our last gallon of milk). By the time we got home, Owen was more than ready for a nap. Aaron came home a little bit later, and we had a nice quiet afternoon. That night after we had dinner, our two little neighbors that are Aaron and Savannah's age came over to invite the four older kids over for a movie night. I think their mom was trying to give me a little break because she knew Scott was out of town. I appreciated it. They put on pajamas and went next door for a couple of hours for popcorn and a movie, then came home and went to bed. And while they were gone, I put Owen down for the night and then had time to just sit and snuggle my little Nate while we watched Dora together.
Saturday was the Boise State vs. TCU game. Scott had tickets through work, but since he was gone, I got to use them. The last game he had tickets to, was the day before Savannah's birthday, so he took her. This game was Josh's turn. TCU's mascot is the Horned Frogs, which is what Josh's flag football team was named, so Josh thought that was kind of cool. I got a babysitter and was gone almost all day long. Josh and I left at 12:30 and didn't get home till 6 that evening. We had a great time at the game. We were up in the sky box section and had a great view of the game. Scott's assistant, Harvest, was there with her daughter, so we had someone we knew to sit by and visit with. Sadly, BSU lost by one point, and Josh lamented that fact the whole way home, but he and I had a great time together. And the kids at home had a great time with the babysitter (babysitters always let them do so much more than mom lets them do). While we were at the game, Aaron went to his friend's birthday party (I'd arranged a ride for him), and he had a wonderful time.
Today was our primary program at church. Our church is at 9, so I had to get up extra early to get everyone ready on time by myself. Scott's mom and dad came to Sacrament meeting to watch the kids. The kids did great--they each remembered and said their parts perfectly. I was very proud of them. After church, as I was trying to round all 6 of them up, Nate took off running down the hall. Since I couldn't chase him down holding Owen, I sent Sara after him, and Aaron followed. I decided to take Savannah, Josh and Owen out to the car, then go back in the church to find the other three with my arms free. When I went back in after them, I found Sara walking down the hall with tears running down her cheeks, and one of our friends helping to steer Nate down the hall after her. He told me that Sara had been doing her best, but Nate just wouldn't go where she wanted him to. I thanked him for helping, and took Nate and Sara out to the car. I instructed those 5 to stay put in the car, and went back in to find Aaron. I finally found him on my second sweep of the church, hiding behind a chair in the foyer. I was not happy with him. If I hadn't found him when I did, I was seriously considering just leaving him there--there aren't much more safer places than a church, and I'm sure someone would have eventually figured out who he belonged to and returned him. Just kidding, I wouldn't really leave him--maybe.
Tomorrow evening is gymnastics for Aaron and Nate, and dance for Sara and Savannah. Then we just have to make it through Tuesday, and Scott will be home around dinner time. Just two more days--I can do it!
See everything on sale this week at weeklyad.co
2 years ago
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