Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Aaron's 4th Birthday

Aaron turned 4 last Thursday. I'm quite sad to not have him as a three year old anymore. He was delightful as a three year old. He was the sweetest little snuggler and always said the cutest things. I'm hoping 4 is just as great for him. He's such a great kid, and we are so lucky to have him in our family. Here he is his last night as a three year old.

For the actual day, we had to wait till evening to celebrate. Josh and Savannah both had gymnastics after school (till 6:15), so after that we let Aaron pick where he wanted to go to dinner. He chose Carl's Jr (because of their toys). We let the kids eat and play for a while, then headed home for cake and ice cream. Aaron's big present from us was a new bike. His old one was a hand-me-down from Josh, that had been run over by Scott's truck and then bent back into shape. He was very excited about his shiny new bike.

And here he is at the end of a very great birthday. My new little four year old. Oh how I love this cute little boy!

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