That's right--another little boy. I'm thrilled to be having another boy, but I have to admit I've shed quite a few tears since yesterday at the thought of not having another little girl. Most of all, I'm relieved to find out that he looks HEALTHY. I have been so worried with this pregnancy that there would be problems with the baby. I mean, I've had 5 perfectly healthy babies, I feared I was running out on good luck and we might have problems this time (plus I'm older, on medications, was sooo sick in the beginning, etc.). But, he looks great. My doctor (who I LOVE and has delivered all 5 of my kids) was very good about talking me through each step of the ultrasound to reassure me--"This is the brain, it looks good. This is the heart, it has all four chambers. This is the stomach, it's dark, which means there is fluid in it, which means it can swallow. This is the bladder....".
Scott's mom and dad came here and stayed with the kids while Scott and I went in for the ultrasound, then we came home and showed them all the video. When it got to the part where we could see that it was a boy, Savannah cried. She really wanted another sister. I told her I was sad also that we weren't getting another little girl, but that I was really excited that we get to have another little brother (her little brother Nathan pretty much has her wrapped around his little finger). It took her a few hours, but she came around and is excited with the rest of us. Now we just have to pick a name.
It's starting to really set in for me what another little boy means. It means I don't get to use all my little dresses and bows and pink blankets again. I don't think I'll start going through them and getting rid of them for another couple weeks because I'd be too emotional. It means our days of barbies and dolls now have an end in sight. It also means that my days of washing empty peanut butter jars to be reused as bug cages are never going to end. It means 8 years of having a missionary (with 6 of the years being consecutive). It means more piles of sand in little pockets every time I do laundry. It means three little boys in a row age 4 and younger. It means all those little cars, trucks, and trains that I'm constantly picking up from around my house will be around for a long time. It means a LOT of cooking when they are all teenagers (I can't even imagine what our food budget will have to be then). But most of all, it means that in 19 more weeks, I'm going to have a sweet little baby boy to hold and cherish. I can't wait for that.