My Uncle George was the best. I was 10 when my grandpa Hayes died. My Uncle George decided that us girls still needed a grandpa, and he stepped in to fill that roll. We were treated just like his grandkids.
He was always such a fun man to be around, always joking. He had smashed his thumb when he was working as a welder, and had lost the tip of his thumb nail. He told us all that Aunt Wanda bit it off. My Aunt Wanda is the most gentlest and kindest of people, and yet, we believed him because he could tell such a believable story. I have such wonderful memories of Christmas Eves at their house. Santa would make a visit, and we would each get to sit on his lap, and he'd reach into his big red sack and produce a present for each of us with our name on it. I did that every year, from the time I was born, till I got married and moved away. I have so many wonderful memories from growing up with my Uncle George. I really loved him.
Around Christmas time this year, he was hospitalized for pneumonia. He was in and out of the hospital for weeks, before he finally passed away. He was 86.
The funeral was on a Friday, with a viewing the night before. Scott and I decided that it would be too hard for the whole family to go (Sara had basketball practice, the kids all had school, Nate had his gymnastics show, Aaron and Josh had scouts, Kate was still recovering from her stomach bug, etc). So I decided to go by myself. I planned to leave Thursday afternoon, and come home the next day. As I was getting packed up to go Thursday morning, Owen decided that he really wanted to come with me. So, I let him tag along. I was happy to have his company. Scott took those two days off work, and stayed home with Kate.
The trip was a quick one, with lots of driving. Owen slept for a good portion of the drive there and for all but the last half hour of the drive home.
Owen loved the little bit of play time that he got at Grandma Sorensen's house.
Ready for the funeral. Owen was so good the entire funeral. He sat quietly by me and didn't complain once about having to sit so long.
The weather was cold and snowy. After the cemetery, we all met back at the church for a family lunch. My cousin Neal (George's son), and not been able to come for the funeral. His wife, Stephanie, has been battling breast cancer the last couple of years. They had finally ceased all treatment, and knew that her time was really close. In the days leading up to the funeral, she declined quickly. Neal knew that if he came for the funeral, she could pass while he was gone, so he stayed by his wife's side. He recorded his talk, and they played it over the microphone at the funeral. As we all met back at the church for the lunch, we got word that Stephanie had passed. It was a sobering time. She leaves behind 3 young children (ages 5, 8, 11). But we all took comfort that Uncle George was there to meet her in heaven.
I don't know why some people's lives are cut short, but I do know that our Heavenly Father loves us and that he does have a plan. We all took comfort that day, as the news of Stephanie came, knowing that families are eternal, and that we will all be together again some day.
Meanwhile, back at home, Scott did awesome taking care of everyone. He and Kate got some quality time together.
Scott took Sara (and Kate) to basketball practice.
And Scott attended Nate's gymnastics show for me (lucky Nate, was the only boy in the class).
I appreciated that Scott was so willing to take care of everyone so I could attend the funeral. I have a great husband.