Scott just got back from a 4 day trip to Chicago. He attended a conference out there. He had spare time and was able to explore the city and visit Navy Pier. He got to sleep in a nice hotel room without any little kids to wake him in the night. He went four whole days without getting spit up on or having to change a diaper. I think it sounds like four days of heaven.
Meanwhile, here at home...
Nate came down with a terrible cold/cough. I decided to have him sleep in bed with me so he wouldn't keep Josh and Aaron up at night with his cough, and so I could comfort him when needed. But of course, that made it so Owen didn't sleep well. And without Scott here to help out in the night, I really got no sleep. Monday evening Nate came to me covered in throw-up. My guess is that his cough made him gag. So I got the joy of cleaning the throw-up out of my chair and cleaning up Nate. Thankfully, he didn't throw up again.
The first night, I tried to put Owen in his real crib on the other side of the house (he still sleeps in the port-a-crib next to our bed), so Nate wouldn't wake him up with his coughing. I put him in the crib, turned on the monitor and laid down in my bed. I laid there for half an hour, just waiting for the slightest sound over the monitor. I literally was having separation anxiety--it was the first time he hadn't slept right next to me. Finally, he started crying, and I went and got him and brought him back to my room. I was happy to have him back at my side, but got very little sleep, because every time Nate coughed, Owen would stir and I'd have to lean over and put his pacifier back in to get him back to sleep.
Saturday night was the last night of Savannah's play. I had gone the night before and both nights the weekend before, so I skipped the last night (since I had all the kids and no husband). Grandma Jo was kind enough to go watch Savannah for me. While Savannah was at the play, I took the other 5 kids to Walmart to do some much needed shopping that I didn't get done before Scott left town. Five kids at Walmart--that's always an adventure.
Sunday I got up extra early to get myself and 6 kids ready for 9:00 church (and I was even on-time). Megan (the one who watches my little boys while I go running) was kind enough to take Owen during Sacrament meeting, so I only had to keep the 5 older kids quiet during that hour. Sunday afternoon was actually kind of enjoyable. The kids and I all watched a movie together and just relaxed.
Monday I went running in the morning. It was really nice to get a little break away from the kids. That afternoon I took the 4 younger kids to school to watch Savannah's choir concert. She has participated in her school's honor choir this whole school year. They meet once a week for an hour before school. They've had the chance to perform at different community events throughout the year. This concert was for families to come watch. She did great, and the kids mostly behaved.
Tuesday morning I taught preschool. A few weeks ago, Aaron joined a preschool co-op. They'd had a few kids drop out and were looking for another kid (mostly another mom to help teach). So, we joined. This week was my turn to teach. As soon as preschool was done (10:00-noon), I loaded the three little boys in the car and drove to Savannah's Challenge school. She had the assignment of picking a famous landmark and doing a report. She picked the Salt Lake Temple. She did so great on her presentation. I was so proud of her. And the boys kind of behaved.

After the presentation, I picked up Sara on the way home (I'd arranged for her to go to our neighbor's house after Kindergarten). And just before Josh and Savannah got home from school, Scott got home. The kids were so excited because he brought home presents for them--foam pirate swords for Nate and Aaron, t-shirts for Owen and Savannah, a t-shirt and cap for Josh, and a shiny pink pen for Sara with her name on it. He even brought me a present--a puzzle (I just have to find time to do it). Mostly, though, we were just so happy to have Dad home. We just don't do well when he's gone.
Wednesday morning Scott took off the morning from work and went to Savannah's school to help with a project that they needed parent help with. Savannah really liked it that her Dad came to help. That morning I also went running one last time. Megan is headed to Utah to work at Aspen Grove. So now if I want to run, I've got to do it in the evening after Scott gets home, or early in the morning before he goes to work. If Owen would start sleeping through the night, I just might be able to get up and go in the mornings--maybe. Then last night, we all went to the park for Savannah's cast party to celebrate the end of the play. I'm really not going to miss the play--practices three days a week had really become quite a pain.
And this morning I taught preschool again. This morning was tricky. Owen was working on getting his second tooth and he's come down with Nate's cold and cough. So, I had to do all our preschool crafts one handed because Owen wouldn't let me put him down. Two hours with a 20 pound kid on my hip--it was tiring. The kids kept asking, "Why is he crying?". Poor Owen. Preschool ended just before noon. Scott came home for lunch and watched the kids while I went to a Relief Society lunch at our RS President's house. I only went for half an hour, but it was without kids, so it was wonderful. And then of course, today was our gymnastics day--three hours of gymnastics. I'm really ready for the weekend to come so I can hopefully get some rest and relaxation.