I finally got the vacation all summed up, so now I need to report on everything else that has been going on around here.
Before we left for vacation, Savannah lost another tooth. She is missing three teeth right in a row on the top left of her mouth. I don't know how she chews on that side (she probably doesn't). Luckily, all three teeth are already starting to come in.

Aaron went in for his 5 year check-up last week. He doesn't turn 5 till May 27th, but we needed to get his Kindergarten shots done so he could register for school, so we did his check-up early. He's a big kid. He's the weight of an average 8 year old and the height of an average 7 year old. His pediatrician cautioned that with him going off to school, people will expect him to act older because he looks older. He said sometimes that's good, because they rise to the elevated expectations, but sometimes kids just want to be recognized as little. Aaron is so excited about getting ready for Kindergarten.
Scott and I went on a date. He got invited through work to go to the Boys and Girls Club Auction Fundraiser and dinner. It happened to be Prom for Eagle High, so all the babysitters in our ward were busy. So Jo and Mike came and babysat the kids for us. The kids loved having Grandma and Grandpa come. Scott and I had a great time and even bought a couple of things--4 tickets to an Idaho Stampede (basketball) game and a birthday party at the Meridian Fire Station for Aaron (which includes a hands on tour and demonstrations from real firemen).
Owen has a cold. A bad one. He's so miserable. And because he's miserable, he doesn't want to nurse. As if three months of Thrush hasn't been enough (yes, we have Thrush again, for a third time now), now he's refusing to nurse. I'm really worried this may be the end of nursing. I know I've said that before, but this time may really be it.
The weather has started to warm up. Last week I mowed the lawn for the first time this year. All our trees have buds on them and the grass is green. It's been a long miserable winter, so we all are so happy to have Spring here. The other day I took the kids down to the tot lot and let them play all afternoon. It was wonderful.
I'm running again. Crystal (our Bishop's daughter who has been home on break from college) came for three weeks and now has gone back to college, but another girl from our ward (Megan) is home now and is going to start coming. I go three mornings a week for an hour. I run anywhere from 4-5 miles at a time (depending on how much energy I have that day). It's wonderful to be getting out and running again.
Scott is away on a trip to Spokane. He left last night around 7:30 and will get back tonight after midnight. Not a long trip, but it means 2 bedtimes that I have to do by myself. Bedtimes are the hardest.
One evening after a shower, Josh dried his hair by running his fingers through it over and over. This was the result. It was quite a sight.

Sara got her fingernails painted.

We all continue to adore Owen.

Savannah is busy with play practices. She's a wolf in her school's production of "The Jungle Book". They have practices Monday and Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings. I'm going to be so glad when this play is over (just 3 more weeks).
We all are adjusting to real life again. We got so spoiled on our vacation. I think the kids (and I) are counting down the days till school is out for summer vacation. But for now we are thrown back into the chaos of school, gymnastics, and play practice. Such is life with 6 kids!